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You Need Money to Get Money

Writer's picture: Mary HoffmannMary Hoffmann

Oh, to be Mr. Krabs and just bathe in money all morning. Wouldn't it be nice if it just fell off of trees and came out of the showerhead?

Yeah...wouldn't it?

The truth is, it doesn't.

To run a website and get the most out of it, you need to pay the host site. That runs you $100+ a year. On top of that, you need canvases, paint, pastels, brushes, paper, charcoal....the list is endless. Now if you're an artist specializing in one sort of medium and one style, you may have it a bit easier. I tend to lose control in an art store, so I need to temper my spending. I would love it if I had overnight success, but the flip side to that is I could fall just as easily. So if I can't sell on my website (currently I can't) then perhaps Facebook is my better option. If I really need something, I have great parents who help out now and then, but I try and keep all my brushes clean and not to use up charcoals so quickly. A starving artist is not a fun thing to be. Finding out ways to save money however can be fun.

Just my two cents (yes, pun intended.)




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