First, I find it amusing that this website had ideas for my blog. I have been given the greatest computer of all, one capable of downloading a lot of information. It's called my brain. Occasionally I do have to push reset as to get the garbage out (lately that's been too many TikTok videos), but I manage very well on my own, thank you. Speaking of downloading new ideas as well as skills, I have discovered "The Weatherly Guide to Drawing Cats" by Joe Weatherly. It is a book, not a program. It is full of great exercises and a detailed anatomy of the cat's body. Just what I need to polish my skills. The above sketch of my cat Leo is proof positive that I can do this. Yes, I have more exercises I need to do, but imagine the possibilities! My first sketch of Leo similar to this was unbalanced and awkward looking. On the second go round, this sketch happened. Success! Now we move forward to moving cats, sleeping cats, walking cats...you get the idea. If I am to paint and draw the feline, I sure as hell can't be static. So here is the improved Leo, and I can hardly wait to start a new sketch! Scratch that...many sketches!
Should the spirit move you to find out more about Joe Weatherly, here is the link to his website: