There are times I love working on websites and social media platforms, but there are moments where I wonder what in the world I'm doing. I often feel as if I'm spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. I need to sell my art, but how? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not putting enough of myself out there? Or am I worrying too much about the process itself? This GIF of Jim Carrey is about where I am...pounding the keys away, but at least he has the Almighty's powers to answer all the prayers sent to God Himself ("Bruce Almighty" is a terrific movie, go see it). I don't have any special powers to magically turn this website into a place of best selling art. So what am I doing wrong?
Or is it a case of I'm missing important things that could make this website work? I'm in control of it, so what else could I be doing with it besides supplying it with all of my artwork? How do I generate interest? How do I get the people to the door and get them to come in?
Answers will be forthcoming...I have a lot if work to do.