Murphy's Law says something to the effect of if something can go wrong, it will.
Such was the case with my last website.
I had gone to another web hosting site, put together what I thought was a great website, added all my wonderful creations to it, and then the inevitable happened.
I was hacked.
I won't go into the details but suffice to say it was really irritating. I sent the link to Webinar, but they never got back to me. So here I am, back at the beginning, and putting the pieces back together. All that hard work just to get kicked back to the starting line. Well, it happens. Can't cry over hacked sites. I can curse the little buggers that put me back here in the first place, but cry? Wasted effort.
I will be adding sections as I grow. That is the one thing that keeps me going in this crazy world. I will grow. It's all in how I manage things.
On that note:
Peace, folks.

May the bastards get maggot-ridden boils on their tender vittles. May your website grow like the mighty oak.
Chuck Messer